Getting Started with Cerber Grid

I submitted a Job and I see the controller found it, but nothing happens.

You most likely didn't define any nodes. Ensure that the node is started, then add the node in the Web Interface. You should then see the following output in the controller console window:

INFO NodeDetector:run:48 - Found new node: 1
INFO NodeHeartBeatDialog:run:88 - Discovered and added node: IpAddress: hostname: localhost port: 7000 status: running to the Controllers running nodes.
INFO NodeHeartBeatDialog:run:92 - Removed node: IpAddress: hostname: localhost port: 7000 status: running from the stopped nodes.
INFO JobSchedulingManager:run:85 - Found new job to assign: [name: test, type: bash, id: 1, status: new]
INFO RoundRobinMaxJobScheduler:assignJobToNode:65 - Sending job: [name: test, type: bash, id: 1, status: new] to node: IpAddress: hostname: localhost port: 7000 status: running
INFO IncomingControllerConnection:run:90 - Job: 1 has completed, received Ouput from Node

I get a permission error when trying to run a job.

Currently I am only testing running the controller and node as root. In the future I will support a more secure approach.