Getting Started with Cerber Grid and the Cerber Grid Web Interface

Prerequisite: Set up the Cerber Grid Web Interface and set up Cerber Grid

Follow the instructions at Getting Started - Cerber Grid

Follow the instructions at Getting Started - Web Interface

This example uses native bash, so you must be running Linux.

Make sure you start the Controller and at least one Node and that the Node is defined through the web interface so the Controller can see it in the database.

2. Create the Job Output Trigger for handling the List of Hosts to Nmap scan

In the Web UI click on Job Output Triggers then Create Job Output Trigger.

Name: Nmap Host List Trigger
Type: groovy

if(jobName == 'nmapHostList' && jobStatus != 'failed'){
	def nmap = '#HOST# -T5 -O -oX #HOST#_#TIME#.xml'
	jobParameters.put('nmapOptions', nmap)
	def hosts = jobOutput.split(',')
	for(i in hosts) {
		if(i != '') {
			jobParameters.put('HOST', i)
			Utils.createNewPluginJob('com.cerbergrid.plugins.nmap.scanner.NmapScanner', 'nmapXmlScan', executionGroups, jobParameters, 'text/plain')

3. Create the Job Output Trigger for handling the Completed Nmap Scans

Create a new Job Output Trigger like in the previous step and use the following values:

Name: Nmap Xml Scan Trigger
Type: groovy

if(jobName == 'nmapXmlScan' && jobStatus != 'failed') {
	jobParameters.put('input', jobOutput)
	Utils.createNewPluginJob('com.cerbergrid.plugins.nmap.parser.NmapParser', 'nmapXmlParse', executionGroups, jobParameters, 'text/plain');

4. Create the Intial Job which grabs a list of Hosts to scan and Activate the Job

Create a new Job in the Web Interface. The Job's name must correspond to the jobName in the first trigger we created and the other way around.

name: nmapHostList
type: bash (native)
Add the following Parameter after you've created the Job:
name: script

nmap -sL | awk 'NF==5 {print $2}' | tr '\n' ','

With this script, only one host is going to be returned: our own computer. If you are familar with Nmap you can easily modify this script to scan the entire subnet your computer is on and return all of the hosts.

To clarify what this script does it does an nmap list scan for the given IP range, pull out the hostname from the results and translates all new lines to commas, thus creating a comma separated list of available hosts in the given subnet.

Don't forget to Activate the Job so the controller can see it in the database.

5. Watch the Controller and Nodes to view the activity of Jobs.

Controller Output:

22:30:27,564  INFO JobDetector:run:51 - Found new job: 37
22:30:27,692  INFO JobSchedulingManager:run:85 - Found new job to assign: [name: nmapHostList, type: bash, id: 37, status: new]
22:30:27,695  INFO RoundRobinMaxJobScheduler:assignJobToNode:65 - Sending job: [name: nmapHostList, type: bash, id: 37, status: new] to node: IpAddress: hostname: localhost port: 7000 status: running
22:30:27,757  INFO IncomingControllerConnection:run:90 - Job: 37 has completed, received Ouput from Node
22:30:37,569  INFO JobDetector:run:51 - Found new job: 41
22:30:38,759  INFO JobSchedulingManager:run:85 - Found new job to assign: [name: nmapXmlScan, type: plugin, id: 41, status: new]
22:30:38,761  INFO RoundRobinMaxJobScheduler:assignJobToNode:65 - Sending job: [name: nmapXmlScan, type: plugin, id: 41, status: new] to node: IpAddress: hostname: localhost port: 7000 status: running
22:30:48,916  INFO IncomingControllerConnection:run:90 - Job: 41 has completed, received Ouput from Node
22:30:57,589  INFO JobDetector:run:51 - Found new job: 42
22:30:57,806  INFO JobSchedulingManager:run:85 - Found new job to assign: [name: nmapXmlParse, type: plugin, id: 42, status: new]
22:30:57,811  INFO RoundRobinMaxJobScheduler:assignJobToNode:65 - Sending job: [name: nmapXmlParse, type: plugin, id: 42, status: new] to node: IpAddress: hostname: localhost port: 7000 status: running
22:30:59,227  INFO IncomingControllerConnection:run:90 - Job: 42 has completed, received Ouput from Node

Node Output:

22:30:27,729  INFO Languages:run:110 - Resovled path to: bash
22:30:27,747  INFO Languages:run:144 - Done, return code: 0
22:30:27,748  INFO IncomingNodeConnection:run:124 - Job 37 completed, returning the error and output to the controller.
22:30:38,776  INFO NmapScanner:run:58 - Executing NmapCommand...
22:30:48,904  INFO NmapScanner:run:88 - NmapScan has completed (Job:41)
22:30:48,910  INFO IncomingNodeConnection:run:124 - Job 41 completed, returning the error and output to the controller.
22:30:59,127  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:221 - Duplicate Machine found: Machine ID: ipAddress: hostname: null
22:30:59,135  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: F52142A71D1884E4A02546013768536A
22:30:59,142  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 9DBB516CD4DBE85CAEFBE53253BF277C
22:30:59,144  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: EE2A2C9146914C6F0AF43CF3F013CC1C
22:30:59,145  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 526E52BD4F495AA7436D3BC6784D8FE1
22:30:59,147  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: C371ACB3A83F297AEF41DFBCCAA01436
22:30:59,148  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 4DAAAAC22AA3FC20F2D4BA0A402065A2
22:30:59,150  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 32EB3B80029F8547BF7F4CEE3FDEE3BE
22:30:59,151  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 0BD86091B2CD83DFFE9357AA7720405C
22:30:59,153  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: F7133F572EB3D3D1FF92DEFD99E4088F
22:30:59,154  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: CF49F1254F4FA5C6D874A094DAE695E9
22:30:59,155  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:248 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 00000000000000000000000000000000
22:30:59,159  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 248490FF51AA51BDF29BCDE0A391DE61
22:30:59,160  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:248 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 00000000000000000000000000000000
22:30:59,162  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 08DEB65002074B0257D74D7F6381FC51
22:30:59,164  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 163EBAC6E1104BB88B4D2D07840447ED
22:30:59,165  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: B67920F5F5B4E43275BAD2936C86C764
22:30:59,166  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 92AA2B398232FF4B0B08BFC596F386BE
22:30:59,167  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 22B5620F033DABA15B0A29B3849CCE19
22:30:59,169  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 900A91BAD5707A64B9098158A9C00ABE
22:30:59,170  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: F1169F61B1A632E25EC9A92996BC6DAC
22:30:59,171  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 07CFDB294104F88F459FF552613CA05F
22:30:59,172  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 2DED9EE693085D1CE386AAC0E459C44F
22:30:59,177  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 41C2DC1EB4A7A1616DE8185D14939A5D
22:30:59,178  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: CBAFCC913A9F9E2ED69EB58D86503DD7
22:30:59,180  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: 1DE262A37F62279C2CED277F717DE79A
22:30:59,182  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: D54E781F52371CEFADD600EC147EBE1C
22:30:59,183  INFO NmapParser:processStartTag:198 - Duplicate PortInfo found: B1679EEB508C37FF86E0A5978CC28A2F
22:30:59,185  INFO NmapParser:processEndTag:267 - Duplicate PortScan found: 8EF85A5FD97A5D2BE8F8AB4C450E2386
22:30:59,201  INFO NmapParser:run:114 - Parsing complete
22:30:59,224  INFO IncomingNodeConnection:run:124 - Job 42 completed, returning the error and output to the controller.

Web UI Output:

6. View the Completed Output of all of the Jobs.

nmapHostList Output:

nmapXmlScan Output:

nmapXmlParse Output:

Note that the output shows Duplicate Portscan and Duplicate PortInfo. This is because I reran the scenario twice and the PortScan and PortInfo tables in the database are reused, hence the Duplicate.

7. View the Nmap Scan in Cerber Grid

Click on Search under Nmap in the left navigation then change the start date to be less than when you ran the scan and click search and you will see the results of the scan.